Posts Tagged ‘calm’


October 28, 2008

Today I shall write on “Satya”.  Satya is the second of the Yamas, or moral restraints, as described by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Satya means truth: Speaking truth; Living truth; Embodying truth

Satya in your yoga practice is about being in a state of total awareness, a space where you listen to your body and respect your strengths and gifts alongside your limitations.  As we move from pose to pose we avoid comparisons to other people or former times and instead move into “what is”.  In this space we find joy and peace.

Practising Satya as a way of life is about living a truthful existence.   It is about demonstrating honesty and integrity in all that you say and do.  Purity, justice, harmony, forgiveness, peace are forms of truth.  By practising Satya it is said that we free ourselves and others from harm as our intellect, mind and ego are purified.  When we live a truthful existence, we are free from worries and anxiety because our minds are calm.

This is not to say that we should speak the truth if we feel it is hurtful.  This is when we should observe silence and reflection.  Satya is about speaking what is nice and good, but avoid speaking to contradict the truth or saying nice things that you don’t mean or feel from your core.

Perhaps many believe it is unpractical to follow a path of strict truth, but I believe that if I make it my goal and my way then I will find success.  I think about my friends, my colleagues and the people I meet and the extent to which we live in the truth.  Why do we so often say one thing and do another?  Why do we deny the people who trust us?  When we can instead live a life of righteousness and this in itself is light and fulfilment.  It is real peace and happiness.

As I have chosen Satya as my topic of the month, yesterday I focused my energies on its practice.   I learn that most of the time I do say the truth and I feel proud of myself for that.  I find the ability to reflect and say “I shall think over the matter and talk to you later on” rather than to offer words of no substance. I also find that saying nothing at all isn’t that hard and is sometimes the best thing you can do.  Moreover I find understanding and I find peace….

….Until my phone rings as 7.45 pm last night.  I’ve just got home from work and there are things I want to get on with to prepare for tomorrow.  I shout out “If it’s for me can you tell them I’m out honey!”
Lie! Lie! Lie!  Ooops!  Oh well, practice makes perfect.  In realisation of my lie I say to myself the following affirmation:

“By speaking the truth I am courageous, I am bold and without fear.  I have abandoned my ego and I am free”.

I decide that I will try harder at Satya tomorrow and that is the truth.

I leave you with the words of Swami Sivananda on Satya.

“Whatever you do, be true to yourself and to the world. Hide not your thoughts. Be frank. Be sincere. Be candid. Be straightforward. Be courageous to express your views.  Let truth and purity light up your career, guide your conduct, and mould your character.  Peace is truth. Truth is peace. If you want to attain peace, be truthful at all times.”